Friday, 16 January 2015


School re-opens Monday 26 January 

I hope everyone has a had a relaxing holiday.  Please start stretching before you get back into class so there are not too many creeking, moaning and groaning bodies during the first week in class.

Times and days for the majority of classes stay the same except for a few that were re-organized at the end of last term.  Reminders below.  If any queries please email of call me.

Thursday 4.00 and Saturday 9.15 classes move to Monday and Wednesday 5 - 6

Saturday 8.30 moves to the 9.15 slot from the 2nd lesson of the term.

Tuesday 4.15 stays the same but their Thursday class will also be at 4.15 now.

There will be a new beginer young class starting at 8.30 on Saturdays as well as another beginner class on Thursdays 3.30

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